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access level

  • 1 access level

    (in network) niveau m d'accès

    English-French business dictionary > access level

  • 2 access

    access ['ækses]
    1 noun
    (a) (means of entry) entrée f, ouverture f; (means of approach) accès m, abord m; Law droit m de passage;
    there is easy access to the beach on accède facilement à la plage;
    the kitchen gives access to the garage la cuisine donne accès au garage;
    how did the thieves gain access? comment les voleurs se sont-ils introduits?;
    access only (sign) sauf riverains (et livreurs)
    (b) (right to contact, use) accès m;
    to have access to sb/sth avoir accès auprès de qn/à qch;
    I have access to confidential files j'ai accès à des dossiers confidentiels;
    he has direct access to the minister il a ses entrées auprès du ministre;
    Law the father has access to the children at weekends le père a droit de visite le week-end pour voir ses enfants
    (c) British literary (bout → of illness) accès m, attaque f; (→ of fever, anger) accès m;
    in an access of despair dans un accès de désespoir
    (d) Computing accès m;
    to have access to a file avoir accès à un fichier;
    up to 56K access accès m jusqu'à 56K;
    access denied (DOS message) accès refusé
    Transport (port, route) d'accès
    accéder à
    ►► Computing access authorization code code m d'autorisation d'accès;
    Television access broadcasting télévision f ouverte;
    Television access channel canal m d'accès;
    Computing access code code m d'accès;
    Computing access level (in network) niveau m d'accès;
    Computing access number (to ISP) numéro m d'accès;
    Computing access privileges droits mpl d'accès;
    Computing access provider fournisseur m d'accès;
    access ramp bretelle f d'accès;
    Law access rights (to child) droits mpl de visite;
    access road (gen) route f d'accès; (to motorway) bretelle f d'accès ou de raccordement;
    Computing access speed vitesse f d'accès;
    Television access television télévision f ouverte;
    Computing access time temps m d'accès

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > access

  • 3 access

    (a) (right to contact, use) accès m;
    to have access to sth avoir accès à qch;
    I don't have access to that information je n'ai pas accès à ce genre d'informations
    access barrier barrière f d'accès
    (b) COMPUTING accès m;
    access denied (DOS message) accès refusé
    access authorization autorisation f d'accès;
    access code code m d'accès;
    access control contrôle m d'accès;
    access level (in network) niveau m d'accès;
    access number (to ISP) numéro m d'accès;
    access privileges droits m pl d'accès;
    access provider fournisseur m d'accès;
    access restriction restriction f d'accès;
    access time temps m d'accès
    COMPUTING (data) accéder à;
    can you access last year's figures? est-ce que tu as accès aux chiffres de l'année dernière?

    English-French business dictionary > access

  • 4 внутригородской район

    1. centre ville


    внутригородской район

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    inner city
    1) Part of a city at or near the centre, especially a slum area where poor people live in bad housing.
    2) City centres of many industrialized countries which exhibit environmental degradation. The numerous and highly competitive activities entailing land use overwhelm the limited space and create a situation of overcrowding, functional incompatibility and cultural degradation. Inner city areas have a high level of commercial specialization, a large number of offices and a sizeable daytime population. At the same time, city centres generally remain a sort of ghetto for a permanent, low-income population living in run-down housing and enjoying little in the way of public services and civic amenities. The concentration of service industries inevitably entails the replacement of traditional housing and shops by office blocks, the provision of basic utilities at the expense of civic amenities and the provision of major access roads which eat up urban space. Structures of historic origin are often unable to meet modern requirements and, notwithstanding their value, frequently face demolition.
    (Source: PHC / WPR)





    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > внутригородской район

  • 5 дельта реки

    1. delta


    дельта реки

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    A delta is a vast, fan-shaped creation of land, or low-lying plain, formed from successive layers of sediment washed from uplands to the mouth of some rivers, such as the Nile, the Mississippi and the Ganges. The nutrient-rich sediment is deposited by rivers at the point where, or before which, the river flows into the sea. Deltas are formed when rivers supply and deposit sediments more quickly that they can be removed by waves of ocean currents. The importance of deltas was first discovered by prehistoric man, who was attracted to them because of their abundant animal and plant life. Connecting waterways through the deltas later provided natural routes for navigation and trade, and opened up access to the interior. Deltas are highly fertile and often highly populated areas. They would be under serious threat of flooding from any sea-level rise. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > дельта реки

  • 6 степень защиты (обеспечиваемая оболочкой)

    1. IP
    2. degré de protection procuré par une enveloppe


    степень защиты
    Способ защиты, обеспечиваемый оболочкой от доступа к опасным частям, попадания внешних твердых предметов и (или) воды и проверяемый стандартными методами испытаний.
    [ ГОСТ 14254-96( МЭК 529-89)]

    степень защиты, обеспечиваемая оболочкой (IP)
    Числовые обозначения после кода IP, которые в соответствии с МЭК 60529 [12] характеризуют оболочку электрооборудования, обеспечивающую:
    - защиту персонала от прикасания или доступа к находящимся под напряжением или движущимся частям (за исключением гладких вращающихся валов и т.п.), расположенным внутри оболочки;
    - защиту электрооборудования от проникания в него твердых посторонних тел и,
    - если указано в обозначении, защиту электрооборудования от вредного проникания воды.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-426-2006]


    degree of protection of enclosure
    IP (abbreviation)
    numerical classification according to IEC 60529 preceded by the symbol IP applied to the enclosure of electrical apparatus to provide:
    – protection of persons against contact with, or approach to, live parts and against contact with moving parts (other than smooth rotating shafts and the like) inside the enclosure,
    – protection of the electrical apparatus against ingress of solid foreign objects, and
    – where indicated by the classification, protection of the electrical apparatus against harmful ingress of water
    [IEV number 426-04-02 ]


    degré de protection procuré par une enveloppe
    IP (abréviation)

    classification numérique selon la CEI 60529, précédée du symbole IP, appliquée à une enveloppe de matériel électrique pour apporter:
    – une protection des personnes contre tout contact ou proximité avec des parties actives et contre tout contact avec une pièce mobile (autre que les roulements en faible rotation) à l'intérieur d'une enveloppe
    – une protection du matériel électrique contre la pénétration de corps solide étrangers, et
    – selon l’indication donnée par la classification, une protection du matériel électrique contre la pénétration dangereuse de l’eau
    [IEV number 426-04-02 ]

    Элементы кода IP и их обозначения по ГОСТ 14254-96( МЭК 529-89)


    Цифры кода IP

    Значение для защиты оборудования от проникновения внешних твердых предметов

    Значение для защиты людей от доступа к опасным частям

    Первая характеристическая цифра


    Нет защиты

    Нет защиты



    диаметром ≥ 50 мм

    тыльной стороной руки



    диаметром ≥ 12,5 мм




    диаметром ≥ 2,5 мм




    диаметром ≥ 1,0 мм












    От вредного воздействия в результате проникновения воды


    Вторая характеристическая цифра


    Нет защиты




    Вертикальное каплепадение




    Каплепадение (номинальный угол 15°)








    Сплошное обрызгивание




    Действие струи




    Сильное действие струи




    Временное непродолжительное погружение




    Длительное погружение


    Дополнительная буква (при необходимости)



    От доступа к опасным частям




    тыльной стороной руки











    Вспомогательная буква (при необходимости)


    Вспомогательная информация относящаяся к:




    высоковольтным аппаратам




    состоянию движения во время испытаний защиты от воды




    состоянию неподвижности во время испытаний защиты от воды




    Требования в части стойкости оболочек и электрооборудования в целом к климатическим, механическим внешним воздействующим факторам (ВВФ) и специальным средам (кроме проникновения внешних твердых предметов и воды) установлены вне рамок настоящего стандарта.


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The code IP indicates the degrees of protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts, ingress of solid foreign objects and ingress of water.
    The degree of protection of an enclosure is identified, in compliance with the specifications of the Standard IEC 60529, by the code letters IP (International Protection) followed by two numerals and two additional letters.
    The first characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection against ingress of solid foreign objects and against contact of persons with hazardous live parts inside the enclosure.
    The second characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection against ingress of water with harmful effects.


    Код IP обозначает степень защиты, обеспечиваемую оболочкой от попадания внутрь твердых посторонних предметов и воды.
    Степень защиты оболочки обозначается в соответствии со стандартом МЭК 60529 буквенным обозначением IP (International Protection, т. е. Международная защита) после которого следуют две цифры, к которым в некоторых случаях добавляются еще две буквы.
    Первая характеристическая цифра обозначает степень защиты от проникновения твердых посторонних предметов и от контакта людей с находящимися внутри оболочки опасными токоведущими частями.
    Вторая характеристическая цифра обозначает степень защиты оболочки с точки зрения вредного воздействия, оказываемого проникновением воды.

    [Перевод Интент]


    The protection of enclosures against ingress of dirt or against the ingress of water is defined in IEC529 (BSEN60529:1991). Conversely, an enclosure which protects equipment against ingress of particles will also protect a person from potential hazards within that enclosure, and this degree of protection is also defined as a standard.

    The degrees of protection are most commonly expressed as ‘IP’ followed by two numbers, e.g. IP65, where the numbers define the degree of protection. The first digit shows the extent to which the equipment is protected against particles, or to which persons are protected from enclosed hazards. The second digit indicates the extent of protection against water.

    The wording in the table is not exactly as used in the standards document, but the dimensions are accurate


    IP Degree of Protection according to EN/IEC 60529



    Correlations between IP (IEC) and NEMA 250 standards

    IP10 -> NEMA 1
    IP11 -> NEMA 2
    IP54 -> NEMA 3 R
    IP52 -> NEMA 5-12-12 K
    IP54 -> NEMA 3-3 S
    IP56 -> NEMA 4-4 X
    IP67 -> NEMA 6-6 P

    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/ip-protection-degree-iec-60529-explained]



    • степень защиты
    • степень защиты, обеспечиваемая оболочкой
    • степень защиты, обеспечиваемая оболочкой (код IP)



    • IP-Schutzgrad, m
    • Schutzart des Gehäuses, f


    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > степень защиты (обеспечиваемая оболочкой)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Access control — is the ability to permit or deny the use of a particular resource by a particular entity. Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources (such as a movie theater, to which only ticketholders should be admitted), logical… …   Wikipedia

  • Access (economics) — Access is a catalytic process that enables interactions, contacts and exchanges among people, businesses and nations. An analytical framework to define the drivers and benefits of Access and to quantify the impact of Access on economic growth and …   Wikipedia

  • Access to Insight — is a popular Theravada Buddhist website providing access to a huge collection of translated texts from the Tipitaka, as well as contemporary materials published by the Buddhist Publication Society and many teachers from the Thai Forest Tradition …   Wikipedia

  • Level Five — est un documentaire fiction réalisé en 1996 par Chris Marker interprété par l actrice Catherine Belkhodja (Laura), Kenji Tokitsu et Nagisa Oshima. Sommaire 1 Fiche technique 2 Synopsis 3 Commentaires …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Level (video gaming) — This article is about video game settings. For character levels, see Level up. For other uses, see Level (disambiguation). A level, map, area, or world in a video game is the total space available to the player during the course of completing a… …   Wikipedia

  • Access Accounting — Infobox Company name = Access Accounting Ltd type = Private foundation =UK (1991) location= Stratford St Mary, UK industry= Computer software products= FoundationsXP, Horizons, Dimensions, Dimensions Lite revenue= £9.1m num employees = 140 (26… …   Wikipedia

  • Level (video games) — In video games, a level (also known by many other names) is a discrete subdivision of a video game s virtual world or set of challenges.Each level almost always has an associated objective, which may be as simple as walking from point A to point… …   Wikipedia

  • Level set (data structures) — In computer science a level set data structure is designed to represent discretely sampled dynamic level sets functions.A common use of this form of data structure is in efficient image rendering.Chronological developmentsThe powerful level set… …   Wikipedia

  • Access token — In Microsoft Windows operating systems, an access token contains the security information for a login session and identifies the user, the user s groups, and the user s privileges. OverviewAn access token is as an object encapsulating the… …   Wikipedia

  • Access network — An access network is that part of a telecommunications network which connects subscribers to their immediate service provider. It is contrasted with the core network, (for example the Network Switching Subsystem in GSM) which connects local… …   Wikipedia

  • Access Linux Platform — The Access Linux Platform, sometime referred to as a next generation version of the Palm OS is an open source based operating system for mobile devices developed and marketed by Access Co., of Tokyo, Japan. The platform includes execution… …   Wikipedia

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